Call for Proposals UMAP Research Net 2018

หมวดหมู่ข่าว: ข่าวภาษาอังกฤษ

University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP), founded in 1991, is an  association of government and non-government representatives of the higher education sector in the Asia-Pacific region. The organization is responsible for overseeing  the  UMAP Exchange Program, which involves  the development and implementation of university student and staff exchanges which are consistent with UMAP principles. Through increased mobility of university students and staff, UMAP aims to achieve enhanced international understanding. 

UMAP has  instituted UMAP Research Net  (URN)  to promote  research collaboration and  facilitate cooperation among member institutions, territories,  and  countries.  Cross-border  higher education through the mobility of students, academic staff, programs/institutions, and professionals has grown considerably. Driven by this global trend,  URN further aims  to  promote  academic mobility  and collaboration, and  to promote effective interaction  and exchange  among scholars, researchers, and educators across cultures.  URN applicants may request funding of up to 5,000 USD. For more information or download application form, please visit


To be eligible, a proposal for URN must meet the following requirements: 

  1. The  research team  submitting the proposal must comprise  individuals from  two  or more UMAP pledged institutions from two or more UMAP Full member countries/territories. The principal  researcher must be a faculty member  or researcher with  a  Ph.D. or equivalent, while the others may be post-graduate students or researchers without a Ph.D. 
  2. The proposal must show that one of the goals is to develop a research network and promote the mobility of researchers. 
  3. The proposal must show the full research project budget indicating existing or potential sources of revenue other than the UMAP Grant.   
  4. The proposal must include a strategy / critical path to pursue further collaboration after the completion of the initial project.   
  5. A final report must be submitted in English within two months of the completion of the research project.

Useful Information

  1. Call_for_Proposals_UMAP_Research_Net_2018
  2. Application-Form-for-UMAP-Research-Net-2018

Application Procedure/Timeline



Responsible Person

From now on

Call for Proposals 
UMAP Research Net 2018

UMAP IS, OHEC and International Affairs Division (IAD)

For more information or download application form, please visit

1 June 2018

Proposal submission deadline for MFU Researcher

* Please submit a proposal (PDF file) to


4 June 2018

Proposal submission deadline for UMAP member

* IAD submit all proposals to UMAP International Secretariat: UMAP IS)

International Affairs Division (IAD)

12 June to 16 July 2018

Evaluation by the reviewers


Aug.-Sep. 2018

Final decision at UMAP Board meeting


30 September 2018

Notification of selection results to all applicants 


1 October 2018

Project starting date


Aug.-Sep. 2019

Interim research outcome presented at UMAP Board meeting   

(PowerPoint presentation with narration)


30 November 2019

Research completed and final report submitted to UMAP IS 


*Note: The projects will be evaluated at a UMAP Board Meeting

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