A Visit of the French Embassy

หมวดหมู่ข่าว: ข่าวภาษาอังกฤษ

     On 12 September 2023, the delegates of the French Embassy in Bangkok led by Dr. Xavier GROSMAITRE, Attaché for Scientific and Higher Education Cooperation and Ms. Gabrielle LENORMAND, Head of Campus France Thailand visited Mae Fah Laung Unievrsity and met Asst. Prof. Dr. Matchima Naradisorn, President of Mae Fah Luang University and Ms. Flavie Lepoutre, Director of the French-Upper Mekong Sub-Region Academic Cooperation Centre (the French-GMS Centre).

      The purpose of this visit was to jointly organise two activities: Academic Meeting and Campus France Tour 2023 in cooperation with the French-GMS Centre, MFU.  The Academic Meeting activity aimed to promote the academic and research cooperation between MFU and higher education institutions or research institutes in France. Moreover, the Campus France activity was expected to present information about higher education in France as well as the scholarships for the students who would like to pursue education in France.

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