MFU Lecturers Are Invited to Be Speakers in International Conference on E-waste

Categories: ข่าวภาษาอังกฤษ

      On 24 April 2018, lecturer of the Occupational Health and Safety prograame in the School of Health Science Assist. Prof. Dr. Kowit Nambunmee and lecturer from the School of Science, Dr. Panate Manomaivibool were invited to be speakers in the Changing the Global E-waste Cycle: Health, Sustainability, Policy, Design held by the Graham Sustainability Institute, University of Michigan.

      The conference was aimed at engaging the experts and stakeholders from Thailand, Ghana, Chile, Germany and the United State in sustainability, population health, policy, and design processes to discuss the complex issues surrounding global production and transportation of electronic waste and its impact on vulnerable communities around the world. The conference was also expected to find the community-led, research-based solutions that deal with the substantial existing public health hazards associated with e-waste.

       In the conference, Dr. Kowit was a speaker on topic of “An inside-out perspective: a polluted environment and the impact of internal and external perceptions on an e-waste recycling community in Thailand” while Dr. Panate presented on “Policy issues and challenges in formalizing the e-waste recycling sector: A case of Thailand.”

       Moreover, Assist. Prof. Dr. Kowit Nambunmee also was invited by School of Public Health at University of Michigan to be a visiting professor on a course entitled “EHS 796 004 WN 2018 Public Health Issues in the ASEAN Community” during March and April 2018.

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